Precious Okoyomon
THE BEAR IS ALIVE: "Stuffed Bear (Precious)" is part of a series of completely custom animatronic bears covered in faux fur details. The bears' eyes move and their chests articulate to simulate realistic breathing.
Gladstone Gallery
the sun eats her children at Sant’Andrea De Scaphis, Rome
Animatronic bear
54 x 23 x 22 in.

Precious Okoyomon: The Sun Eats Her Children
Precious Okoyomon, a Nigerian-American poet and artist, beckons us to embark on an exploration of a vibrant installation housed within Sant'Andrea de Scaphis, a deconsecrated Roman church dating back to the ninth century. The exhibition, titled "The Sun Eats Her Children," unfolds as a verdant oasis resonating with the harmonies of nature and enigma. Amidst this captivating environment, an array of unique plants comes into view, including Jimson weed, Lantana, Bitter nightshade, and Stinging nettle. What unites these botanical specimens is their shared ability to produce poison—a mysterious and potent quality that intertwines them within the realms of both nature and art.
"The Sun Eats Her Children" captures the paradoxes of nature, prompting contemplation of the myriad facets of life. Okoyomon finds these plants alluring precisely because they challenge the notion that nature is inherently feeble and defenseless. In this context, the flower, often associated with concepts such as purity, beauty, fertility, and innocence, sheds its conventional connotations and assumes a position of strength, power, and impressiveness.
Check out News for more on this piece.